Special Service

Student Mental Health Clinic

Why does Students need extra care for their Mental Health?

"Student Mental Health" pertains to the emotional and psychological well-being of individuals enrolled in educational institutions, such as schools, colleges, and universities. The academic environment can be stressful, and students often face a variety of challenges, including academic pressures, social adjustments, and personal life issues. Maintaining good mental health is crucial for students' overall success and well-being.
Issues related to student mental health can encompass stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and more severe conditions like bipolar disorder or eating disorders. Various factors can contribute to these challenges, including academic expectations, financial pressures, social relationships, and the transition to independent living.
Educational institutions often provide support services such as counseling, mental health awareness programs, and access to mental health professionals to help students cope with these challenges. Promoting student mental health involves raising awareness, reducing stigma, and providing resources and strategies to help students manage their mental health effectively. A focus on student mental health can lead to improved academic performance, personal development, and a more positive overall educational experience.

Service Details

There will be two professionals offering this service. This service will be rendered by one psychologist and one psychiatrist. This service will be 2 hours long.

Service day: Tuesday

Service time: 3pm to 5pm

Service fee: BDT 3000/-

Benifits of this service

  • Multidisciplinary Assessment

  • Holistic planning