Special Service
"First Episode Psychosis" refers to the initial onset of a severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depressive disorder, in an individual who has not previously experienced such symptoms. This critical period is characterized by a range of psychological, emotional, and behavioral changes, often including hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and impaired social functioning. Early intervention and proper treatment during a first episode of psychosis can significantly improve long-term outcomes and quality of life for individuals affected. Recognizing the signs and seeking professional help promptly is essential in providing the necessary support and care for those experiencing their first episode of psychosis.
There will be two professionals offering this service. This service will be rendered by one psychologist and one psychiatrist. This service will be 2 hours long.
Service day: Monday
Service time: 3pm to 5pm
Service fee: BDT 3000/-
Multidisciplinary Assessment
Holistic planning